School’s Out, Inc. is a nonprofit organization which operates Before and After School Child Care Programs, Special Needs, Vacation Care Full and Half Day Programs, and a Full Day Summer Program for children living in the Bethlehem Central School District.
School’s Out, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin or disability. If a child requires or has daily access to an aide in the classroom, parents must provide an aide for safe participation in the Before and After School and Vacation Care Programs. Children must be able to independently care for themselves (i.e. feed and toilet themselves, independently communicate). School’s Out, Inc. makes every effort to accommodate every child. Please note any special needs on the Registration Form so that we can best prepare for your child’s care.
Our programs are registered with the New York State Office of Child and Family Services and fully meet requirements for health, safely, staff qualification, program development and other criteria. Our Hamagrael site has earned accreditation from AfterSchool Works! New York, the official state affiliate of the National Afterschool Association, a nonprofit membership association for after school professionals in New York State.

Established in 1983, School’s Out is a community-based, nonprofit organization dedicated to providing safe, reliable, quality and convenient care to complement elementary education within the Bethlehem Central School District.
School’s Out supports families with trained and caring staff who develop and implement programs which build children’s interests, social skills, self-confidence and creativity. SOI will continue to provide the highest quality care through programs and address the changing needs of the parents and the community of the Bethlehem School District. This will include strengthening relationships and partnerships with the community and the school district while maintaining organizational autonomy and financial viability.
SOI will be known for:
its diverse, consistent and enriched educational and recreational opportunities
providing access to technological resources
talented, competent and dedicated staff
programs that are fun for children.