Tuition Fees
Sibling Discount
10% Veterans Discount with proof of service
About our Payment Schedule:
Tuition Tuition will be billed monthly for the school year programs (before and after school and vacation care) and weekly for the full day summer program. Invoices will be sent via email. Tuition for school year programs is due by the first of the month and a 5% late charge will be assessed on the 11th and 30th of month if payment is not received. Full day summer program tuition is due two weeks prior to the scheduled week. Additional fees are outlined on the Tuition Fees located on page 19.
Tuition fees are voted on yearly by the SOI Board of Directors.
SOI accepts tuition payment by: • Credit Card: MasterCard, Visa, Discover • Auto Pay • MyProcare.com
Financial Assistance:
SOI is contracted with the Albany County Department of Social Services, who can provide financial assistance with before and/or after school programs. HOW TO APPLY: To learn more about this program, ask questions regarding eligibility and services or to request an application please call the Albany County Department of Social Services Child Care Subsidy Unit at (518) 447-7435 or Email at DSSchildcaresubsidyunit@albanycounty.com. An application will be mailed to you and the process may be done entirely by mail. A letter and all required forms from the department must be received by SOI prior to a child attending any SOI program.